Audio controlled analog synthesizers.
Might incite a small revolution as analog synthesizers can now be controlled directly by analog audio.
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Audio controlled synthesizers
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E1 Duo pack
Eurorack, audio-to-synth, modular synthesizer
Audio-to-CV, audio-to-MIDI expandable synthesizer channel
Learn more MIDVertor E1 Eurorack, modular digital expander/mainframeMIDVertor E1 Modular digital expansion module / musical mainframe. This 6HP Module can digitally translate data between a ConVertor E1 and the outside MIDI synths. While turning the ConVertor E1’s Pitch, ENV & gate, into MIDI commands, it adding a few functions of its own. It can enhance the performance of up to 7 ConVertor…
Learn more ConVertor E1 Eurorack, modular Audio Controlled SynthesizerModular, expandable, audio-controlled-synth module, the ConVertor E1
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